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Expressions of Hope: Crystal Meth Addicts in Recovery

Author: New York Crystal Meth Anonymous

Publisher: NYCMA, Inc.

ISBN 10: 0615680534
ISBN 13: 978-0615680538

New York area groups: Please contact the Literature Clearinghouse to order copies of Expressions of Hope for your meeting.

Expressions of Hope is a collection of essays and stories by crystal meth addicts in recovery from the New York Crystal Meth Anonymous. The writers—many of whom are in early recovery—tell how they learned the skills and found the willingness to make the choices that have kept them sober. They share how they gained the courage to confront denial, victimization, powerlessness, fear of intimacy, feelings of isolation, and other challenges.

Sharing this collective journey, we continue to get sober, one day at a time, one meeting at a time, one addict at a time. We have found a spiritual solution by working the Twelve Steps and carrying the message of recovery by helping the crystal meth addict who still suffers. Along the way, even in our darkest hours we can still find hope. Perhaps you may find some in these pages.