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Sin Desires You: The Road to Reconciliation

Author: Andrew J. Miller

Publisher: Word Out Books

ISBN 10: 1947035088
ISBN 13: 978-1947035089

Sin Desires You: The Road to Reconciliation is a comprehensive, biblically-based, Christ-centered new approach to the time-tested AA/NA 12-Step model. This long overdue guide to overcoming the sins that dominate your life will give you revolutionary, ground-breaking, biblically spiritual insight into the counsel of our Almighty Father God and help you find healing in the love of Christ. By following these steps, you can conquer your Life-dominating sins and be saved through the spiritual rebirth that comes from the grace of the Almighty God. Andrew “Pastor Drew” Miller, Senior Pastor of True Hope Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico and founder of the Armor of God Bible Academy in the men's prison in Grants, New Mexico, is no stranger to Life-dominating sins. As an inmate of the New Mexico Corrections Department, Pastor Drew has faced the difficult task of not allowing his Life-dominating sins to define him as a person. Through the 12 steps outlined in this book, Pastor Drew shares how he came to understand that the only identity worth being concerned with is our identity in Jesus Christ.