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Sober IS...Sexy!: Sober Isms Collection Part 1

Author: Lewis Marklin Mash

Publisher: Thirty-Second Legend Publishing

ISBN 10: 0692661808
ISBN 13: 978-0692661802

Straight Edge Hollywood Television Producer and former rapper shares the secrets of his sobriety from inside Hollywood and then makes the bold statement as he explains why Donald Trump WILL be the next president of the United States of America or he will give you a double refund for this book if it was purchased before election day 2016. You will be shocked at who is sober these days and how Billionaires and celebrities really view Alcohol and Drugs. You will draw from Mash's Inspirational message to find the power to overcome your own addictions and to put the pieces back together in your life in a powerful way that very few know about. Sober IS...Sexy!