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The Lost Pamphlets, and booklets, of A.A. between 1935 to 1939: the booklets that helped thousands in the formative years (The lost booklets and phamplets of A.A.)

Author: Carl Tuchy Palmieri

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1511542918
ISBN 13: 978-1511542913

A collection of booklets, pamphlets and articles that were copied and passed around to A.A. groups in the early years most of the pamphlets, and booklets can still be seen at different groups around the US, Canada and Europe. A few are offered for sale at group location across the world, It is estimated that 90 to 95% of the 12 step participants have never seen of heard of these life saving / Altering books. At the back of the book are thre of the groups offering different booklets. Our goal is that throught the publication of these booklets, the miracle will stay alive for many people