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To The One Person I Consider To Be My Soul Mate: Loving messages meant to be shared with a very special person (Blue Mountain Arts Collection)

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Author: Douglas Pagels

Publisher: Blue Mountain Arts

ISBN 10: 0883966034
ISBN 13: 978-0883966037

This is a very special collection of writings. It's one part book, one part love letter, and one part celebration. It's for people who are deeply, joyously in love -- and who would love to have a way to express those deep and lasting feelings.

Once in a great while, and usually when it's least expected, a special miracle manages to find its way into two lucky people's lives. In a meant-to-be moment -- somewhere between the opening words, the shared smiles, and the growing amazement that this closeness is beautifully real -- comes the recognition that this is "it" -- this is the one person you've waited for, the one you've dreamed of, the truly wonderful love of your life.

This book is a celebration of that kind of relationship. It is a gift that captures in words the things that are often so hard to say... and it expresses, in a very beautiful way, the happiest feelings, hopes, and dreams two people can share.