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The Only Thing I Like About Living: Three Steps to Freedom from Solitude, Boredom, and Addiction in Adulthood

Author: Jay M Horne

Publisher: Bookflurry

ISBN 10: 0996322701
ISBN 13: 978-0996322706

After publishing numerous books on spirituality, philosophy, and addiction, Jay brings us his most informative and essential work to date. Contrary to the popular belief that growing up is a trap, he helps us understand the immense power that a clean conscience endows. Jay's unique experiences open us up to a world where accountability becomes the most rewarding part of living. The healing touchstone of millions, this modern work by one of today's most inspirational authors, holds the key to understanding addictive thinking in adulthood and unlocking the chains that bind your inner peace and happiness. The first and third person instructive life stories, personal reflections, and exercises read like we are right along for the ride. The book is a journey from cover to cover that—while explaining why you constantly seek that old childhood innocence—brings you back face-to-face with the experience of it, and leaves you smiling, hopeful, and thankful.