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Dr. Bob's Guide to Stop ADHD in 18 Days

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Original price $19.95
Current price $7.57
Author: Robert DeMaria

Publisher: Drugless Healthcare Solutions

ISBN 10: 0972890718
ISBN 13: 978-0972890717

Are you going to be able to concentrate while reading this book descritpion, or will your mind wander to your To-Do list or the need to visit a social media app? We are living in a state of over-stimulation where the ability to concentrate is at an all-time low, while ADHD and ADD cases are at an all-time high.

Did you know that it is also possible to reverse symptoms of ADHD in as little as eighteen days with Dr. Bob’s drugless blueprint? In his first-ever book, you will learn:

  • What are links to hyperactivity?
  • What 'fats' and oils should you be consuming?
  • An ADHD-free meal plan

Continue the ADHD-free conversation by visiting @DruglessDoctor on all social media channels, you’ll be glad you did!