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From Scattered to Centered: Understanding and Overcoming ADHD

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Author: Alicia R. Maher

Publisher: PESI Publishing & Media

ISBN 10: 1937661636
ISBN 13: 978-1937661632

Scattered to Centered is a practical and thought-provoking guide to help you recognize, understand and thrive with adult ADHD. Starting with a self-assessment survey to explain symptoms, you then learn the neuroscience behind them in clear, easily understood language.

Whether you have ADHD or just find that the complexities of modern life have left you struggling with inefficiency and disorganization, this workbook can help you to rewire your brain and relax into the life of ease you desire.

*Take the thinking out of remembering
*Stop wasting time looking for lost items
*Reduce physical and mental stress
*Learn the keys to motivations and follow-through
*Find inner peace and focus
*Be present and effective in communication
*Live a productive and rewarding life
*30-day exercises to organize the brain