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Increase Your Focus Skills: Supercharge Your Train of Thoughts & Concentration With Effective Successful Secrets of An ADHD Mind

Author: James Sheldon

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1688668152
ISBN 13: 978-1688668157

Learning to focus your attention can make the difference between your success and failure. Mindfulness can be the answer you are looking for. We all know how distractions and lack of focus can ruin a work day. Being able to focus means you can get things done faster and more efficiently. In the end, this means you will reach your goals much quicker! Whether it was the tangent google research search for a piece I was writing, or magically finding myself on Instagram screen-shotting a yoga tip, my attention would run off like a wild animal. And when you’re working from home, there’s no one there to help you tame this animal. No bosses hovering over your back. No nosey coworkers snooping around your desk. After one too many days of wasted time, and pushed deadlines, I decided I was going take control of my ability to pay attention. I will share some of what I did below, along with some brain science to help explain these tips. In the end, I slowly found a way to tame my mind with a conscious approach to focus and attention. There’s a time and place to let your mind run free, but you should be in control of when it does. Take control of your mind, and take control of your life.