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LifeTips 101 ADHD-ADD Tips

Author: Brenda Murphy

Publisher:, Inc.

ISBN 10: 1602750238
ISBN 13: 978-1602750234

On a daily basis, I work with the parents of these amazingly resilient, bright, and high spirited children-children that have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. Their enthusiasm for practically everything that flashes across their quicksilver minds is endearing. What can be exasperating to parents and teachers alike, is some of the "challenging behaviors" that many of these children exhibit. Someone once said that "diagnosis isn't destiny." I agree. This is why I teach parents and teachers' strategies and techniques for creating an orderly, structured environment that will make sense to the child. What the parent adds is a sense of place, a sense of belonging, and unconditional love. Separating a child's behavior from the child is an important first step.