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Mis-Understanding ADHD: The complete guide for parents to alternatives to drugs

Author: Sami Timimi

Publisher: AuthorHouse

ISBN 10: 1425988296
ISBN 13: 978-1425988296

ADHD remains a controversial condition. Opinions are polarised with each side holding passionate views about the nature of this disorder and how best to help those that attract the label. In this unique text, Dr Timimi first investigates what lies behind these different views and how the view we hold about ADHD influences not only our choice of treatment, but also has far wider effects. In the second part of the book, Dr Timimi uses his many years of experience in successfully weaning children off psychiatric drugs, to provide practical advice, bringing together for the first time the full range of approaches from behavioural to nutritional, from family dynamics to working with schools, that make up a comprehensive approach to dealing with ADHD without needing to use medications.