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Beautifully Bipolar: An Inspiring Look Into Mental Illness

Author: Erin Callinan

Publisher: Erin Callinan

ISBN 10: 0989036324
ISBN 13: 978-0989036320

This is the newly published, second edition!!! Beautifully Bipolar reflects the open-hearted honesty of Erin Callinan's personal journey from the shock and confusion of her first manic episode back to inner peace and self-acceptance. Her words are offered to assist marginalized victims of mental disorders to rise above their illness label. With passion, Erin encourages her readers to embrace their inner light, knowing this light is never extinguished, no matter how dim it may seem at times. Erin's humor and passion spill off the pages into your heart. You sense her courage as she reclaims her personal power. Like all stories of champions, you are left cheering for this mental health heroine as her story comes to a close. I encourage those looking for inspiration and understanding in the face of mental health challenges to read this important literary contribution.