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Bipolar Disorder: Learn the symptoms and strategies on how you can cope, manage, and bring back normalcy to your live after your diagnosis

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Author: Ken Fisher

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1542682169
ISBN 13: 978-1542682169

What is bipolar disorder? How can I cope with the condition? Are there people out there with the same mental illness as myself? All these are questions that often run through people’s minds whenever they first get the news that they are bipolar. These are the exact questions I had going through my mind 30 years ago when I was diagnosed with the condition. This book promises to give you detailed insight on what bipolar disorder is, the signs and symptoms of this illness and how to manage and cope with the disease after your diagnosis or that of a loved one. After rigorously reading through these pages and taking the necessary steps, you will be able to bring normalcy and positivity to your life. The main aim of this book is to ensure that you have the ability to sustainably combat the potentially harmful nature of this illness. However, based on the many accounts that are covered in this book, the most frightening moment in anyone’s life, is confronting the symptoms of their illness and learning the tips and tricks on how to still pave the way to their goals and aspirations. These aspirations are often informed by greater personal insight. It is with this insight that we get the right professional and mental health support. This book takes us through the facts that underlie bipolar disorder, what it is and the various ways through which one can cope with this mental illness. More interestingly is the great inspiring stories from members of my support team, offering you their real life’s experiences and the manner in which they have been successful in coping with the illness. So what are you waiting for? Read on and discover much more about this illness and how you can change your condition or that of your loved ones.