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Choices in Recovery: 27 Non-drug Approaches for Adult Mental Health / an Evidence-Based Guide

Author: Craig Wagner

Publisher: Onward Ventures

ISBN 10: 0996608001
ISBN 13: 978-0996608008

We need to face facts: psychiatric drugs don’t cure; they partially relieve symptoms of mental illnesses—often at the cost of serious side-effects. Written for those who struggle with mental health issues and their loved ones, CHOICES IN RECOVERY demystifies the best non-drug therapies for every mental health diagnosis, from depression to schizophrenia, discussing their benefits, clinical evidence, and drawbacks. These non-drug approaches promote wellness and can strike at underlying physical and emotional causes. A new breed of psychiatrist – the Integrative Psychiatrist – is healing, not just treating, with a remarkable range of innovative approaches. These approaches are grounded in scientific peer-reviewed medical studies, including late-breaking research for 2018.CHOICES IN RECOVERY offers hope and healing to people struggling with significant mental health challenges. It contains:Basics of Mental Wellness (diet, exercise, mindfulness, and social interaction); Nutrient Therapy (vitamins, minerals and amino acids tailored to your body chemistry); Gut-Brain Therapy (improve brain function with probiotics and gluten avoidance); Endocrine Therapy (the role of weakened glands on mental health); Herbs (scientifically validated natural substances that can make a real difference); Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (calm emotions by controlling thoughts); Exposure Therapy (neutralize phobias and obsessions by confronting them); Creative Engagement Therapy (art, music, nature, and animals provide meaning and peace); Biofeedback (consciously slow your heart rate and stress response); And many more…See