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If Your Child Is Bipolar: The Parent-to-Parent Guide to Living with and Loving a Bipolar Child

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Author: Cindy Singer

Publisher: Perspective Publishing

ISBN 10: 1930085060
ISBN 13: 978-1930085060

This extremely practical and supportive guide empowers parents as they struggle with a child who may be bipolar. The authors' own family experiences, stories from hundreds of other parents of bipolar children, and input from a wide range of mental health professionals provide parents with specific information to deal with the everyday but incredibly challenging issues confronting the entire family. Among the helpful topics included are how to explore the possibility that a child's problem behaviors are a sign of mental illness; finding a mental healthcare professional who can make a diagnosis; understanding what a diagnosis is and isn't; learning parenting strategies to control a child's behavior at home, at school, and in social situations; and balancing the needs of a bipolar child with the needs of everyone else in the family.