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Scattershot: My Bipolar Family

Author: David Lovelace

Publisher: Plume
ISBN 10: 0452295610
ISBN 13: 978-0452295612

Publisher: Dutton Adult
ISBN 10: 0525950788
ISBN 13: 978-0525950783

The Glass Castle meets An Unquiet Mind in a mesmerizing, loving memoir about growing up in a family plagued by bipolar disorder.

Scattershot is David Lovelace's poignant, humorous, and vivid account of bipolar disorder's effects on his family, and his gripping exploits as he spent his life running from—and finally learning to embrace—the madness imprinted on his genes. Four out of five people in David Lovelace's immediate family have experienced bipolar disorder, including David himself. In 1986, his father, his brother, and David himself were all committed in quick succession. Only his sister has escaped the disease. A coming-of-age story punctuated by truly harrowing experiences, this devastating and empathetic portrait of the Lovelace family strips away the shame associated with bipolar disorder—a disease that affects approximately 5.7 million adult Americans—and celebrates the profound creative gifts that come with it.