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Codependent: How to Escape from a Codependent Relationship and Recover Yourself from Abusive Relationship with Narcissists and Sociopath Personalities

Author: Jasmine Covert

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1687115869
ISBN 13: 978-1687115867

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Are You in a Romantic Relationship? Do you have a Codependent Relationship with Friends or Parents? Could You be a Codependent? 

Even if you don’t ever heard of the term “Codependent” or “Codependent Relationship”, don’t panic you’re in the right place.

Most people are in a relationship and are not aware that depending on their partners is sometimes or mostly dangerous. It can be addictive and hence detrimental to one’s mental health, it lowers self- esteem, self-image and lowers achievement.

This is a very sensitive and private topic and most people tend not to share their experiences because of embarrassment. Victims tend to depend on other people’s approvals and to please them, and it’s imperative to know the difference between being dependent and codependent.

Most victims of CODEPENDENCY believe that they do not have a problem, this is because most of them think that since there is no physical abuse and harm they are fine. But in the real sense, any Emotional and Mental Abuse is Equally a Problem. Spouses, friends, and members of the family should recognize the indicators look for.

The victims will sometimes be adamant for help and to accept that, it’s important to even seek help and politely explain to them that they need to get support and assistance.

We will introduce codependency, which is basically termed as a context in any relationship, it involves one partner who is either romantically involved, a boyfriend, a family member or a close friend.

You will Learn:

  • Why You Have a Codependent Relationship in your Life

  • The 5 Behaviors of a Codependent

  • Why You Attract a Codependent Partner

  • How to Overcome a Codependent Relationship

  • 3 Types of Codependent

  • How to Increase Self-Esteem and Self-Love

  • The Program in 12-step to Recover Yourself from Abusive Relationship

We will discuss how codependent victims are bound to care more of their partners than themselves; they always think that they need to care and taking their responsibility as their own.

Codependency is known to have started some TIME BACK, it’s not a condition that will just start after days, it’s mainly from a childhood history and it affects the victims’ self-esteem, self-image, and self-confidence. It’s from a family that is not functional where the children will train themselves to know their parent’s necessities instead of the parent being there for the children.

They get used to taking care of other beings before themselves. Parents’ role is known is to have their children their highest priority and sacrifice a lot for them. Sometimes they start to depend on them; and when the sacrifice levels may not be healthy and can destroy the relationship.

Parents Who Are Codependent Become Less Effective; they may even affect the child negatively and even harm them. These relationships mainly manifest through behaviors that are enabled on the children and parents. Children from such families of codependent parents and ignore their feelings are likely to be codependent.

Most of the codependent relationships are one-sided, they tend to give more than they can receive, and this brings