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How Many Lies Are Too Many?: How to Spot Liars, Con Artists, Narcissists, and Psychopaths Before It's Too Late (Gaslight Survivor Series)

Author: Victoria Summit

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1484829697
ISBN 13: 978-1484829691

Tired of relationships that always crash and burn?

Tired of waiting for that married man to divorce his wife?

Tired of falling for charismatic people who end up walking all over you?

Tired of crying yourself to sleep, alone, yet again, and you have no idea what you did wrong this time?

There are many ways we manipulate each other in our lives. It's a survival of the fittest world.

However, at some point, most of us want to settled down and enjoy a life with a mate and some sort of family. We build towards a future, a home, plan for vacations, work through challenges and coast into our golden years.

Well, sure, some people get to live the dream. Sometimes it takes trial and error. We learn how to give and take and compromise as we get older.

Most of us...

There are some who will never grow up. They remain stuck as a teenager or a child, demanding things their way at any cost.

Sometimes these people are hard to spot. This is because they build up a façade before revealing their true colors. They come from all walks of life with all sorts of schemes.

But one trait they share is that they love to lie.

Even if there's nothing to lie about, they'll lie. It's a sport, a game. They can have secret lives, secret lovers, secret children and you'll never know.

This little book gives a few warnings signs about pathological liars and also provides insight into trusting ourselves.

At the end of the day, only you can take of you. First you need to recognize that you're in a game to begin with before you can get yourself out of it. How many lies are too many for YOU?