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Toxic relationships: After a toxic relationship, it gets stronger! Learn to know you and recognize psychopaths, narcissists and negative people who only want from you without ever giving anything back

Author: Liam People

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1703155734
ISBN 13: 978-1703155730

Are you desperate to get away from somebody who is ruining your life? Do you question your sanity because of your partner? Are your parents constantly disrespecting your boundaries?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, this is the book you need. There are so many reasons to invest in your future, and that is exactly what reading my advice on toxic relationships is important. It is an investment. There is little you can do right now, I know, to cope with your toxic relationship. Let me guide you through dealing with people who are difficult, bringing drama into your life, or are just treating you badly.

Here are just a few topics I will cover:

  • How to go no contact
  • Figuring out your escape route
  • Understanding red flags
  • Coping with the aftermath
  • Dealing with toxic people you cannot get rid of
  • … and more!

There are several more topics that will be included. There are even exercises at the very end to help you bring yourself back to the center.

Speaking of free things being included, you will also receive a free e-book version of this title if you purchase the paperback. That way, you can bring all the information you need to deal with toxicity with you! This can be considered a field book for dealing with toxic people in your life. There is no better place to have it than on you at all times.

I think you will find yourself highlighting sections and coming back to them time and time again. I have jampacked this title full of valuable information based on years of experience. I know that you are capable of living to your full potential. I know that you have within you to set boundaries. I know that you can cut ties with toxic people.

You may not know how to, but that is exactly where I come in.

On top of everything mentioned above, I will also be going over quite a bit of science and psychology. This book would not be complete without going into the details of how our brains work and why they are so hardwired to accept abuse. As it turns out, it is not just you! So, what are you waiting for? It is time to start reading!