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Trying to Stop Someone from Abusing Drugs • Alcohol

Author: Anastasia Wynne

Publisher: BalboaPress
ISBN 10: 1504368401
ISBN 13: 978-1504368407

Publisher: Balboa Press
ISBN 10: 1504368428
ISBN 13: 978-1504368421

“My heart had replayed his death a thousand times. It is the phone call I have dreaded, as the voice on the other end of the line informs me he has been found dead from an overdose. This can’t be. No, this just can’t be happening. Why couldn’t I save him? How am I going to live without him? Please God, no, this can’t be. Please, please, please don’t do this! The thought of him taking his last breath, alone and scared, is too much for me to bear. 
    I had mastered every painful moment, somehow thinking 
if I rehearsed it enough, the actuality of it wouldn’t be as painful when it occurred. Every day, I prepared myself for what I believed was his inevitable death.”


 Her soul mate RJ has been hiding a dark secret. 
He’s addicted to crack cocaine.

Once his deception is revealed, Anastasia heartbroken and 
betrayed, is still determined to fulfill a promise made on a hot July night, that her love for him would always be unbreakable. In her desperate attempt to save him, her own life gradually begins to mirror his world of deceit, irresponsibility and obsession. As both their worlds spin helplessly out of control while she threatens, rationalizes, begs and lectures him to get help, she ultimately 
realizes the one thing that could eventually save them both.