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Bringing Mom Back From Dementia: One Woman's Journey from Dementia to Increasing Clarity

Author: Susan Lake

Publisher: Susan Lake

ISBN 10: 0989370518
ISBN 13: 978-0989370516

"Bringing Mom Back From Dementia" is a small book packed with vital information that tells the story of a woman’s breakdown in mental and physical health, and then proceeds to explain the details of her comeback. This is the true story of an elderly woman with severe dementia who experienced remarkable improvement in a short period of time using natural non-toxic means. The book details the story of her daughter’s search for effective treatment, and the amazing doctor who found a way to reignite her memory and improve her quality of life. The sad fact is that mental decline and dementia are often considered as untreatable and an inevitable part of aging. The great good news is that these problems can in many cases be turned around through natural, non-toxic, and affordable means.