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Finding Life in the Land of Alzheimer's: One Daughter's Hopeful Story

Author: Lauren Kessler

Publisher: Penguin Books
ISBN 10: 0143113682
ISBN 13: 978-0143113683

Publisher: Viking Adult
ISBN 10: 0670038598
ISBN 13: 978-0670038596

Previously published in Hardcover as Dancing With Rose

One journalist's riveting and surprisingly hopeful in-the-trenches view of Alzheimer's

Nearly five million people in the United States are living with Alzheimer's. Like many children of Alzheimer's sufferers, Lauren Kessler, an accomplished journalist, was devastated by the disease that seemed to erase her mother's identity even before claiming her life. But suppose people with Alzheimer's are not slates wiped blank. Suppose they experience friendship and loss, romance and jealousy, joy and sorrow? To better understand this debilitating condition, Kessler enlists as a bottom-of-the-rung caregiver at an Alzheimer's facility and learns lessons that challenge what we think we know about the disease. A compelling, clear-eyed, and emotionally resonant narrative, Finding Life in the Land of Alzheimer's offers a new optimistic look at what the disease can teach us and a much-needed tonic for those faced with providing care for someone they love.