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I Am Not Alone: Conversations with Care Partners of People with Dementia

Author: Martha L Garmon

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1726892417
ISBN 13: 978-1726892414

In a moment, your life changes forever. Your loved one gets the diagnosis of dementia and before you can comprehend the words, you are a caregiver. The doctor tells you to get your affairs in order and to enjoy life. What the doctor doesn’t tell you is how lonely this journey is going to be. It feels like no one can understand your life, your feelings, or your challenges.

Forty-two caregivers were interviewed about their journey. Each interview is short enough to be read in in just a couple of minutes. As you read through the interviews you will find some common threads. You will find that you are not crazy, or weak, or alone. You will also find some ideas and resources that have worked for other caregivers. Take heart! Caregiving is not easy, and it is even harder if you feel alone. I hope you find strength and encouragement in these pages and survive to care another day.