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My Loved One Has Dementia. Now What?

Author: Beth Dow

Publisher: Steuben Press

ISBN 10: 1950724204
ISBN 13: 978-1950724208

When a family first receives the news that their loved one has Alzheimer’s or another form of Dementia, love may be the only thing they know. And it is love that will fuel the caregiver for the months and years ahead.But with love must come learning, understanding and the acceptance that no caregiver can go on this journey alone. The caregiver who tells family members “I’ve got this,” the caregiver that smiles and says, “I’m fine” when friends ask if they’re ok, the caregiver that isolates herself or himself because it is just too hard to go out -- that caregiver will not survive! Beth Dow has worked with families living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. She has lived with grandparents, in-laws, parents and now, close childhood friends who have the disease. She has learned that the more people know about the disease, the more the caregiver understands the value of self-care. The more extended family and friends understand how they can help the primary caregiver, the better the outcome for everyone. She wrote this book to give families a basic understanding of the disease their loved one has, in language specifically for the layperson. Her mission is simple:1. That the caregiver will survive this journey and will grow through it. 2. That the loved one with Dementia will live their life with dignity, joy, love, security and peace.