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My Memory Pal Journal: A Record of My Daily Life So I'll Remember What the Heck Happened

Author: Rebecca Livermore

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1795448121
ISBN 13: 978-1795448123

Do you or a loved one struggle with short-term memory loss?

If so, you are not alone!
Age-related short-term memory loss starts as early as age 45 and other causes of short-term memory loss such as physical or emotional trauma, depression, seizures, and many other health issues can happen at any age.
Regardless of the cause of short-term memory loss, journaling engages the brain and provides a written record of events, conversations, and concerns.
The My Memory Pal Journal was specifically designed for those who remember things that happened 20 years ago, but are fuzzy on what happened just minutes or days ago. It provides a place to write things down, review and therefore remember them, and then share pertinent information with those who care for them.