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Same Destination ... Different Journey: Lewy Body Dementia: Our Journey

Author: Emma Haslegrave

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1520725337
ISBN 13: 978-1520725338

Our Mum died from dementia with Lewy bodies and this is the story of our journey with Mum through her illness and the devastating impact it had on our family. It charts the unbelievable lows but also the happier times and the memories we cherish. The earlier symptoms of dementia with Lewy bodies are unique and have a tremendous impact on patients and caregivers in that it affects not just cognition, as with other types of dementia, but includes motor (movement), behavioural, and autonomic (bodily functions) features. This book includes all the key information that you will need if you or a loved one is affected by dementia with Lewy bodies. Information, sadly, we often learnt far too late.