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The Alzheimer's Disease Caregiver's Handbook (Black and White): What to Remember When They Forget

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Original price $55.00
Current price $49.34
Author: Sue Pace Bell

Publisher: Sally Burbank

ISBN 10: 0998320641
ISBN 13: 978-0998320649

When a loved one shows signs of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, you will face challenges for which you feel ill-prepared. Dozens of decisions will need to be made:•Can Mom live by herself safely? If not, what if she refuses to leave her home?•When do I need to take away the car keys and checkbook?•How do I deal with her obstinate refusal to take a bath or go to the doctor?•Should I correct her when she insists her long-dead sister is still alive or that Ronald Reagan is still President?•How do I handle her repetitive questions and accusations I’m stealing from her?•How do I keep her entertained?•How do I handle her sun-downing, bursts of anger, or inappropriate public comments? Should I quit taking her out altogether to avoid embarrassment?•How do I keep her from wandering off and getting lost?The Caregiver’s Guide to Alzheimer’s Disease: What to Remember When They Forget provides a comprehensive look at Alzheimer’s and tackles all these thorny questions with the best advice of an experienced doctor and a seasoned caregiver.Part I reviews what Alzheimer’s is, how it is diagnosed, and the expected progression of the disease. Part II offers practical advice for the day-to-day obstacles a caregiver might face at each stage of the disease. Part III provides suggestions on self-care to prevent caregiver burn-out. Part IV offers promising Alzheimer’s research and the best advice from a top memory care center called Abe’s Garden. The book ends with three humorous true stories about Alzheimer’s patients.