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The Little Book for Alzheimer's Caregivers

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Author: Celia Koudele

Publisher: Dog Ear Publishing, LLC

ISBN 10: 1457529122
ISBN 13: 978-1457529122

I know what it feels like to be exhausted, afraid and sad because the Mother I knew was slipping away, and I didn't have the energy or knowledge to make it better. This Alzheimer's Caregivers book is short and simple. It covers the emotions, daily living problems and the big decisions about placing them in a facility. It is for all of you pretending they "aren't that bad" while quality time slips away. Denial hurts everyone. There are ideas to cope with anger, bathing and wandering. But always remember no one is promised forever, we all get one day at a time.

Celia Koudele is passionate about this disease. She wants to help others learn about it, recognize it, and deal with it. Her mother, grandmother, and an aunt all died from Alzheimer's. It is in her past, present, and probably her future. She shares your journey in many ways.