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Self Harm Recovery Journal: Beautiful Journal for Self-Harm Recovery with Energy and Mood Trackers, Self Harm Prevention Work Sheets, Quotes, Mindfulness Exercises, Gratitude Prompts and more.

Author: SelfLoveRecoveryDesigns

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1089509782
ISBN 13: 978-1089509783

SELF HARM RECOVERY JOURNAL is non-judgemental, supportive and suitable for people suffering from mental health issues such as depression or BPD who self harm. This journal is made as a supplement and support to your therapy and journey to self harm recovery.
It is great to track various moods, relapses, triggers and more. It can be used for monitoring your implementation of coping mechanisms and its great for writing your feelings as a mindfulness exercise, This book is perfect taking to therapy with you, to take notes or to keep track of how you're doing between sessions.
There are also self harm prevention mindfulness worksheets and also self harm relapse recovery worksheets for breaking the cycle of self harm shame, promote perspective and challenge the feeling of overwhelm. There are also quotes This is thoughtful gift for someone who is on the journey of recovery or as a gift to yourself as part of your self-care.

  • MOOD vs ENERGY TRACKER this book contains Mood vs Energy tracking for a general overview of how you are feeling day to day, with a place to write potential triggers below.
  • ANXIETY & MOOD TRACKER track your anxiety and mood through out the day to see if there are specific 'danger zones' for your that affect your mood.
  • SELF HARM & MENTAL HEALTH TRIGGER CHECK LIST these pages track specific emotions like anxiety, loneliness, anger, relationship issues as well as the severity throughout the week, it also tracks improvements and healthy habits. There are also day by day activity and feeling logs to help spot possible triggers as part of your recovery.
  • SELF HARM WORK SHEETS & SAFETY PLAN these work sheets are a great supplement to therapy and help you systematically go through your feelings, thoughts and mental health symptoms and your challenge your thinking. There is a safety sheet where you put emergency contacts and what you will do if you feel in crisis, as well as a list of 'safe' + 'healthy' activities you like as an alternative to self harm. They are made to help promote you coming up with solutions, implementing them and logging progress over time.
  • INSPIRING QUOTES these quotes are to inspire self-acceptance, love and recovery. They also contain illustrations you can color in as a calming activity!
  • GRATITUDE PROMPTS including "who are you most grateful for?", "when is gratitude important?" to help refocus negative thought patterns to help create stronger coping mechanisms.
  • HIGH QUALITY GLOSSY COVER & OVER 140 PAGES INSIDE with premium paper that contains helpful prompts, lovely illustrations, quotes, exercises and lined journal pages.

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