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A Survivor's Surrender: Healing One Layer At A Time

Author: Jackson Hanks

Publisher: Tom Bird Retreats, Inc.

ISBN 10: 1627473351
ISBN 13: 978-1627473354

Despite the severe childhood abuse he endured, Jackson Hanks is considered an accomplished man, a successful attorney and a highly respected civic leader.In A Survivor’s Surrender Jackson shares with you the lessons he learned from his highly traumatic childhood, in the hope that you may gain inspiration for your own healing journey.Such an intense journey requires vulnerability, which Jackson says required him to have “courage on steroids.”Jackson’s message to you is that vulnerability isn’t a weakness – it is a trait of courage and authenticity. His strongest desire is that as you read through the chapters of courage and determination, you discover how it is possible to mine important lessons from past experiences.Let Jackson’s remarkable life journey, his pearls of wisdom and his joy for life provide you with hope and encouragement for your own healing journey, wherever that takes you.