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Bedtime Stories for Adults: Book 3: Relaxing Sleep Stories for Adults, Mindfulness for Anxiety, Meditations to Healing your Brain. Everything You Need to Have a Restful Sleep and a Sweet Awakening

Author: Kirsten Offerman

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1658988396
ISBN 13: 978-1658988391

Various studies over the last decade have found a positive correlation between how someone falls asleep and their overall health.

People who sleep with a peaceful mind tend to have fewer issues as compared to those who are disturbed by the issues, they faced during the day right before falling asleep.

There is anything you could want out of a story here. Our first story is reminiscent of a children’s bedtime story, but it has some themes in it that only an adult reader will understand. The relationship between our characters is like a relationship between a mother and a daughter, which is something that almost anyone can relate to.

Our second story will be loved most by fans of fantasy. The main character hails from the Kingdom of Fenmore, the daughter of the Emperor of Drasys. She flees from an arranged marriage to a stranger, but her path takes an unexpected turn. She learns much about herself when she escapes the life that was made for her. Even if you don’t usually read fantasy, we think you will enjoy this one for the characters and story alone.

The third story is a lot like a farce in a sitcom. Two roommates are usually friends, but one surprises the other with a blind date, and things don’t turn out the way he expected. This one is certainly the most light-hearted of the collection, so if you want to start with something that won’t take too much thinking, “Birthday Mix-up” may be the best story for you to start with. Just make sure you read the other four, too.

Topher’s Ultimatum is the fourth story, and it is one that anyone who has worked in a modern office will be able to relate to. It will cause you to think about all the possibilities that you don’t usually consider when you work in a humdrum office setting, but it will also make you think about the potential consequences of doing so. Our main character is put through a lot in this story, and he is meant for you to identify with while also being able to see how you would act differently.

Finally, our fifth and final story is called Outside of Lease. The main character is a young man named Curtis, who winds up in a series of situations he never thought he would, all because he has nowhere to stay when his apartment lease ends, making him effectively homeless for three weeks in the summer.

There is only so much we can cover in these short summaries, so even if one of these stories doesn’t sound intriguing at first, we encourage you to read it for at least a few pages and see where it goes. We think you will find something valuable in all of them, especially in terms of meditating and falling asleep.

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