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Evolve: A Near-Death Experience From Chaos to Clarity

Author: Cindy Massey

Publisher: Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press

ISBN 10: 1948787865
ISBN 13: 978-1948787864

When she was just a child, Cindy Massey had an out-of-body experience that changed her life and set her on a spiritual path.
One night, three-year-old Cindy drifted up and out of her crib, and suddenly, she was looking down at her own sleeping body. Simultaneously, she saw an awesome, nine-foot spiral of energy connecting her ‘ethereal body’ to her child’s body. “How could something so tall fit inside something so small?” she wondered. She remembers now that she wasn’t afraid, but, even as a child, she simply knew that the energy spiral was her true self, and the physical body she was marveling at was the vessel that carried that awesome energy signature. This incredible moment marked the beginning of Cindy’s lifelong adventure into the world of spirit. This book is Cindy’s story.
In a world filled with work, family, stress, and “to do lists” a mile long, as adults we can easily forget what is truly important. But many of us come to believe that when we leave our physical body, the essence of who we once were moves on...with little or no attachment to our former physical life. When we understand this, our lives take on a different meaning. Adults who have had Near-Death Experiences can often integrate the complex information associated with an out-of-body episode, but for a child, for whom the imprint of a Near-Death Experience endures, it can be confusing. It can take years before that child understands what their experience means. The wisdom Cindy shares in this book can bring clarity and comfort to every person―child or adult―who has had a Near-Death Experience.
Since her first encounter with Spirit at age three, Cindy Massey has had many spiritual shifts. These mysterious events have provided Cindy with both solace and insight into what is genuinely important in life―not only for herself but for every living being on our planet. Cindy felt called to write Evolve: A Near-Death Experience – From Chaos to Clarity, to help all of humanity to heal and to elevate human consciousness.