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January Journal Prompts: The 2020 Daily Prompted Journal

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Author: Bytown Journals

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1675448760
ISBN 13: 978-1675448762

128 blank ruled white pages, 8.5" x 11" book.

January is the most important month of the year - it sets the tone and intention of the life we will create.

January Journal Prompts is the journal that inspires a journal entry for each day of January. It increases the writer's intentional energy, inspires gratitude and abundance for the year ahead.

It's perfect for people who want to start a journaling practice, or for those looking to complement an existing practice with something new.

The journal includes three pages per day for 31 days, with a special writing prompt each day. It's ready to hold a whole January's worth of gratitude, intentions, and thoughts.