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Sacred Dream Circles: A Guide to Facilitating Jungian Dream Groups: A Guide to Facilitating Jungian Dream Groups

Author: Tess Castleman

Publisher: Daimon Verlag

ISBN 10: 3856307311
ISBN 13: 978-3856307318

This is a handbook about participating in-group dream modalities. Practical exercises included in each chapter anchor the step-by-step instructions given for running a safe, yet deep and meaningful group process with or without a professional facilitator. Care is taken to discuss shadow projection, clear communication, and confidentiality issues. Topics include nightmares, recurring dreams, childhood dreams, and synchronicity. Creating the tribal dream, where participants interweave their dream material in a complex yet boundary-safe fabric, is the quintessential goal of this companion volume to the author’s previous book, Threads, Knots, Tapestries.