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The Soul Frequency: Your Healthy, Awakened and Authentic Life

Author: Shanna Lee

Publisher: Gateway Press

ISBN 10: 1732505527
ISBN 13: 978-1732505520

Inspirational and deeply illuminating, The Soul Frequency takes you into the unseen world of energy and emotion, which is the birthplace of every physical manifestation in your body and life. Step by insightful - and oftentimes, humorous - step, frequency alchemist and personal coach Shanna Lee will show you how to align your energy to manifest any darn thing your little heart desires.

The Soul Frequency is an energetic wake-up call for those who are craving more authenticity, who want to release negative patterns, feel great in their bodies, and live a truly healthy and awakened life. It is for women who are coming to realize that happiness is an inside job and chasing external cures for inner disconnection is so yesterday. This potent life healing transmission will have you thinking in new ways, amplifying your power, and accessing greater consciousness.

Through the lens of her own personal evolution, Shanna Lee takes you into the inner world of true alchemical transformation– from the inconvenient truths to the creation of a whole new reality. After divinely dismantling her so-called outwardly successful life and aligning with her own soul frequency of LOVE + TRUTH, she walked away from a life of expectation and created a new life, founded on alignment and intuition. On these pages, Shanna shares proven, practical tools that will give you the confidence, clarity, and courage to reconnect with your very own soul frequency, making every dimension of your life healthier, lighter and more fulfilling.