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Trust Your Next Step: Creating the Confidence to Cut Fresh Tracks

Author: Kelly Robbins

Publisher: Motivational Press LLC

ISBN 10: 1628655089
ISBN 13: 978-1628655087

Trust Your Next Step: Creating the Confidence to Cut Fresh Tracks shares insights into the role of faith, passion, motivation, and courage when creating the lifestyle of their dreams. After completing the book readers will KNOW what it takes to create their life their way, regardless of what family, friends, or past experiences dictate.

Creating Fresh Tracks is about teaching yourself to recognize when you are at 'The Edge' of your comfort zone and then having the courage and wherewithal to take that first step into the unknown - which is where true happiness, creation and a life of purpose exist.

The book gives readers

- Direction on defining how they want to live their life and clarity about what they want to create.
- Stepping stones to developing the confidence needed to step into creating Fresh Tracks.
- Guidance on how to recognize obstacles and unsupportive beliefs blocking the new path.
- Understanding that the entire path is not laid out ahead of time. There is security in trusting you know what your next step is.
- Learning to recognize 'the edge' of your comfort zone and digging deep to find the courage to step past it.