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Yes, God Speaks: 52 Week Guided Prayer Journal and Planner for Praying, Listening and Planning Your Week

Author: Kelly Langston

Publisher: Olde Providence Press

ISBN 10: 0985437383
ISBN 13: 978-0985437381

52 Week Guided Prayer Journal and Planner for Praying, Listening and Planning Your Week!

Invite God into your day by creating a space for His still, small voice to speak to you. Yes, God speaks today, and He has a plan and purpose for your life!

This book provides Scripture and Biblical promises on beautifully designed journaling spaces to connect with God, allowing Him to respond through the Holy Spirit.

Confirm what you hear by using Scripture as the litmus test as you spend time with Him. With so many conflicting messages in the world today, this unique journaling process helps you recognize His truth by drawing you into a closer relationship while strengthening your knowledge of His Word.

Have You Ever Wondered How to Hear God’s Voice? 

Enjoy time with the Father through this guided process based on Scripture. As you do, He reveals His divine purposes for your life. You'll learn to discern and recognize His guidance. It will never conflict with Scripture.

Pray, Listen, Confirm and Plan in a Beautiful Keepsake Journal 

Artfully designed with wildflowers, birds and lovely sketches each week! This book contains 331 pages so you can pray, connect and plan all in one book. A 52 week journal and a planner so you can plan your week during your connecting times with God.

Start anytime with generous space to record:

  • Gratitudes and Petitions
  • Prayer Requests and Answered Prayers
  • Personal Reflections 
  • Quiet Time Revelations
  • Confirmation though Scripture
  • God’s Faithfulness... Revealed!
  • Weekly Planning Pages
  • God-Given Callings, Dreams and Action Steps
  • 2020 Calendar

A perfect book for:

  • Individuals or Groups
  • Bible Study Groups
  • New Christians and Mature Believers
  • Graduates and Empty-Nesters
  • Anyone Who Desires a Closer Relationship with God

Pray. Listen. Confirm. Plan.

Get started today and see the difference it will make in the next 52 weeks.