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Your Genius Within: Understanding Sleep,Dream Interpretation and Learning Self Hypnosis

Author: Victor Garlock Ph.D

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1477698701
ISBN 13: 978-1477698709

This book is about finding and empowering your genius within. It's about the power of your inner mind to greatly expand your understanding of yourself and the people around you. You will enter the worlds of hypnosis, sleep and dreams, where you will learn how much of your mental power remains unused and locked inside. While hypnosis can seem magical and miraculous, it provides an entry into the powers and deep wisdom of your unconscious mind. You will learn about the fascinating history of hypnosis, including its early use as a life-saving form of anesthesia. You will find dramatic examples of the power of hypnosis and learn self-hypnotic techniques to improve your life. Then you?ll move into an exploration of the mysterious world of sleep and dreams. You will learn about the stages of sleep; a startling example of murderous sleepwalking; cases of sleepers who act out their dreams; people who get thrown into unconsciousness right in the middle of the day; and other examples of sleep gone awry. Dreams are a gift that taps the same source from which the world?s great creative masterpieces have sprung. Our dream characters share a common origin rooted in our ancestral history. So dream work strengthens our common bonds Dreams baffled and fascinated our ancestors. We'll talk about their ideas and more recent ways of exploring dreams and their meanings. You will learn powerful self-hypnotic and other techniques to use to sink your teeth into your dreams, appreciating, enjoying and understanding them. This will give you more contact with your reservoirs of inner wisdom and creativity. This book is fascinating, entertaining and enlightening. It has the potential to transform your life.