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Rewire Your Brain: Change your mind. Discover the positive habits that will make you a better person. 21-day guide to energize the mind and succeed.

Author: Sarah Jessica Ross

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1712166433
ISBN 13: 978-1712166437

Are you willing to change your habits, rewire your brain and dedicate yourself to a better and greater life?

Would you like to have a tool that will help you to change your mindset, reduce negative thoughts, anxiety, and stress?

Or maybe you already have the motivation, but just don’t know how to put everything together for a good start?

Either the case may be, I am more than happy to help you, so keep reading…

I am super excited to represent my most recent book: “REWIRE YOU BRAIN” – a book that will completely change your mind, will make you discover positive habits, and make you a better person overall.

More than 85% of people in the world suffer from unhappiness and every day stress. So there is a great chance that you are in that 85% range as well. What are the main reasons for that? Is it society? Is it a lack of money? Is it an unsuccessful relationship? Is it the job? Actually, the main cause of it are all these reasons. People work their 9 to 5 jobs, don’t have enough money to enjoy, their relationship is struggling, they perform habits of poor people, and eventually they are unhappy. My mission while creating this book was to show people how they can rewire their brain, change their mindset, develop the habits that will help them to achieve whatever they have passion for in their life.

Now let’s take a look at only a few things you will get out of this book:

  • How to Rewire your brain for positive thinking
  • 5 best ways to change your mindset
  • The perfect guide to master your emotions
  • Proven methods to boost your emotional focus
  • How to boost your memory and brainpower
  • A step-by-step guide to decluttering your mind
  • 1 GOLDEN RULE your need to know about Rewiring your brain
  • 21-day route to change your mind
  • Many many more…

Now let’s answer a few of the most common questions you may have:


How do I know if the methods in this book are going to work for me?

  • All the information collected and explained in this book is well-researched and practiced with a lot of succesfull people. Also every single fact mentioned in this book has scientific proof to it.

Is this book more about personal or financial success?

  • Very good question. This book is equal for both subjects. Science shows that personal and financial success are no different and similar methods apply to both.

How long is it going to take to notice first changes?

  • If you do exactly how it is written in the book, you will notice first changes as soon as in the first couple of days. For complete brain rewirement, there is 21-day strict plan.

Here you have. Now it is your turn to take action and REWIRE YOUR BRAIN FOR SUCCESS!

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