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The Artist's Journey: Creativity Reflection Journal

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Author: Nancy Hillis M.D.

Publisher: Artist's Journey Press, The
ISBN 10: 0999750429
ISBN 13: 978-0999750421

Publisher: Artist's Journey Press
ISBN 10: 099975047X
ISBN 13: 978-0999750476

You fear mistakes in your art and life.

The failed prototype, the flubbed line, the unoriginal song, the dreamless drama- and yet they are vital to your creativity- they lead to the adjacent possible and form the stepping stones, to new realizations, undiscoverable in any other way.

This book is a reflection journal crafted to nudge you to explore the inner landscape of your creativity as well as believe in yourself as an artist.

Lessons and creative prompts unfold as poets and writers speak universal truths across the centuries, exhorting you to reflect upon your life and what’s what’s meaningful to you on your creative journey.

By documenting observations, aha’s and revelations you bring visibility to the invisible: the dreams that call you, the ones that won’t let go, the ones you simply must say yes to.

The Artist's Journey Creativity Reflection Journal written by artist, best selling author, speaker and Stanford trained existential psychiatrist Nancy Hillis, M.D. is meant to inspire self-discovery, to act as a mirror of your creative process and to encourage you to trust and believe in yourself. This is a “why to” not a “how to” journal to exhort you to finally say YES to your dreams.

Start here with The Artist's Journey Creativity Reflection Journal. 

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