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How to Slay Dragons and Other Monsters Within: A Strategic Guide to Conquer Anxiety, Fear, and Self-Doubt

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Author: Evan J Haines BA

Publisher: Evan J Haines

ISBN 10: 0994577923
ISBN 13: 978-0994577924

We all have metaphorical monsters inside of us. Some of us face a constant battle with the most cunning monsters of all: mental dragons that live completely within the subconscious mind. These dragons represent our negative thoughts and anxious feelings that can continuously plague us, sowing seeds of self-doubt that limit us in countless ways in our day to day lives. In many cases, our dragons seem so inherently a part of us that we believe we are under their total control, and cannot imagine life without them. This book exists to prove that no matter how out of control or helpless we think we are, we can all defeat our dragons within and change ourselves for the better. How to Slay Dragons and Other Monsters Within is a unique and practical guide to defeating your anxieties, fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs. Throughout this book, Evan Haines shares stories of his own experiences as a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and self-defence instructor as he navigates personally significant and, at times, dangerous situations that taught him the value of knowing how to control and manipulate one’s own mental states: from controlling his own pain, to using his defence training against two physical attackers, to fighting the urge to surrender as he was catapulted through violent rapids. Haines provides a guide through his own experiences, education and training to demonstrate what our mental dragons can teach us and how we can overcome them. Through reading this guide, understanding the lessons contained within, and practising the simple techniques, you too will learn how to slay and tame the dragons which live within your infinitely complex mind. For more information visit: