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It Takes Guts To Be Me: How An Ex-Marine Beat Bipolar Disorder

Author: Ken Jensen

Publisher: BookSurge Publishing

ISBN 10: 1419697684
ISBN 13: 978-1419697685

Bipolar Disorder is becoming a worldwide epidemic. Ken Jensen is a Marine Gulf War vet who overcame it. Inside, you will find his life story focusing on the parts that helped lead him into the nightmare that is bipolar disorder. He was moderately to severely ill for eight years and even landed in a two-week coma from it. Frustrated with how doctors seemed unable to help him, and facing mounting health crises, he struck out on his own and developed an all-natural system to heal himself. He got his life and his sanity back. This book details that journey and includes the system he still follows to maintain his good health. Thousands have gone on to happy, fulfilling lives just by following the first step, alone. But some have a longer list of traumas that need to be addressed. Ken was one of these folks and he found the additional tools to get his life back on track, then, go on to excel and help others do the same.