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Mood Journal

Author: Becka Yaeger

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1691312096
ISBN 13: 978-1691312092

I am a Mood Tracker Journal for people who want to learn more about self-care and habit creation. I am designed to track your moods, habits, goals, and daily self-care by establishing healthy routines and daily reflection. Recommended Use: An open and honest mind. I am a way tool used to track, connect, and celebrate who you are. Be creative, use whatever space you can. Let my pages be yours and when you’ve finished me, take a moment reflect on our time together. Look back and see how far we’ve come. Then celebrate with a new journal friend! (Look for v.2!)I am also a great way to document your mental health to share with your therapist or doctor to guarantee the best care. Please seek whatever help necessary to take care of yourself and live your life to the fullest.