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Take Control and Calm the Waves: A Valuable Guide to Help Calm Anxiety Symptoms (The Anxiety Guides)

Author: August Rose

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1707887527
ISBN 13: 978-1707887521

“The waves came so often that it was emotionally and physically draining”. If you’ve experienced the challenging and frustrating symptoms of anxiety and panic disorders, the above statement may strike a familiar chord. These waves were the very things that threatened to grind my life – and my family’s life – to a halt. I knew I needed coping strategies and ways to face the anxiety head on so that I could survive it and all of its forms. After years of reading, listening, and testing the usual, tired techniques, I realized I needed something more. I immersed myself in research, anxiety specific courses, wellness and mental health certificate programs and finally found a set of evidence-based techniques that worked for me. This book is a tale of my journey, my discovery, and most importantly my recovery. It is my hope that readers will find comfort, helpful ideas, and solace in knowing they are not alone. Take Control and Calm the Waves begins with an inspiring story of the progression of anxiety, and ensuing panic attacks, and also delves into postpartum anxiety. The book then breaks into seven comprehensive sections guiding readers through supportive steps to calm their waves of anxiety.