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Author: Angela B. Chrysler

Publisher: Angela B. Chrysler

ISBN 10: 0692525645
ISBN 13: 978-0692525647

Finalist for the 2015 Wishing Shelf Awards. Goodreads Reviews "Broken is graphic, shocking, raw, disturbing, intense, appalling, shameful, and so very, very sad." "This story has the complexity of The Prince of Tides by Pat Conroy, but written with the flow of Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson." "Your heart will have been on such an emotional rollercoaster by the end of this book, it may take some time to learn how to beat steady again." "There are a few really great lines/thoughts here. Little treasures I wanted to underline or come back to later. Some really great words." "Hypnotic and addicting." "Heart wrenching." "Raw." When William, a young journalist, seeks out Elizabeth, an acclaimed author, in hopes to write her biography, the recluse grants him twenty-four hours to hear her story. What unfolds are a wide range of traumas that teeter on the edge of macabre and psychological thriller. While toggling the lines of insanity, Elizabeth examines her past filled with neglect, rape, abuse, torture, and pedophilia. The more Elizabeth delves into her psyche, the more William witnesses the multiple mental conditions Elizabeth developed to cope with a life without love, comfort, protection, trust, physical human contact, affection, therapy, or medication. With the use of existentialism, I wrote Broken in an attempt to philosophical determine what I had become and why. Instead, I found the awareness I needed to seek help. Broken is the road map I took to arrive at "Awareness" and seek medical attention.