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Dependent Personality Disorder Cognitive Behavioral Therapy self-help guide: What are personality disorders, treatment, signs, symptoms, CBT techniques, all covered

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Author: James Frank

Publisher: Cleal Publishing

ISBN 10: 0995561001
ISBN 13: 978-0995561007

Are you plagued by constant worries about being unable to cope alone or feeling helpless, unable to make decisions and anxiously seek reassurance from others? These are common symptoms associated with dependent personality disorder, a disabling condition which causes enormous distress.

This book explains how you can use cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help yourself manage these common symptoms. It takes you through a systematic approach to tackling your difficulties and improving the quality of your life.

  • Explains what a personality disorder is
  • Helps you manage distressing thoughts
  • Helps you to confront challenging situations
  • Offers advice on how relatives can help

James Frank is a Psychologist and Cognitive Behavioral Therapist with over 10 year's experience working with individuals with a range of mental health difficulties in the health system.