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Mood diary for borderliner personality disorder and PTSD: Live with a borderline disorder in adolescents or a PTSD. a skill workbook inspired from the DBT (dialectical behavior therapy)

Author: Doreen Schmidt

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1790290007
ISBN 13: 978-1790290000

If you are a Borderliner, you often tend to have strong mood swings and various degrees of emotional tension. If you have a diary to help you, in which you write down your feelings and tensions from time to time or daily, this can be of great help in connection with other aspects. Over time, one may recognize certain emotional patterns or patterns of action. Through this recognition and exploration one can help oneself as a borderliner. This book is intended to support all those who suffer from borderline pain and are self-helpers.This diary includes the following points:- sleep monitoring- Recording of the current emotional state- Strengthening self-confidence and self-worth- detailed reflection on the feelings at the moment- Recognition of particularly high tension and considerations as to how this can be changed- interpersonal conflicts and considerations to solve them- True your own limits and learn to say "no- Notes about beautiful and bad events of the day- What occupies me most intellectually and how I can briefly stop these thoughtsHow this diary came aboutI am a freelance artist and have been suffering from various mental illnesses for years. Among other things, I have a borderline disorder of the "emotionally unstable" type. This diary was first written to help me. I was looking for a way to write down my feelings and thoughts as efficiently as possible without having to write long diary texts. This is how the questions that are present in this book also arose. I had liked this from the beginning and helped a lot. I hope I can support and help other people with Borderline with this book!Tags mood diary, mood tracker, diary, borderline, Borderliner, mood diary for Borderliner, I hate you do not leave me, borderline self-help book, self-help book for borderline, borderline mothers and their children Borderline Book, Borderline Skills, Borderline Relatives, Borderline Understanding, Borderline Disorder, Borderline Disorder in adolescence, Borderline the other way to feel, Borderline: the self-help book, Living with a Borderline Disorder, Aid for Concerned and Nationals, Torn between extremes, Finish the egg dance, counseling borderline, borderline coping, ways to manage, borderline skill training, borderline skills list