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Paths of Mindfulness: Coloring Book with Mindfulness Exercises

Author: Sheila Dunn

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1702432149
ISBN 13: 978-1702432146

Paths of Mindfulness coloring book has mindfulness exercises on each coloring page. Mindfulness was made popular by a therapeutic method called DBT. Mindfulness and DBT have many physical and cognitive benefits such as lowering blood pressure and improving cognitive flexibility. Coloring in coloring books is a great mindfulness exercise. The suggested mindfulness exercises include things like observing breath, journaling, fantasizing about a specific topic, practicing a favorite hobby or craft, and being thankful, and many, many more!

This book has 2 sections:
Section 1: What Mindfulness Helps Us Stop Doing
Section 2: Benefits of Mindfulness

The backs of each coloring page is blank to help prevent bleed-through from one coloring page to the next. Color the pages and follow along with the mindfulness exercises for the benefits of mindfulness.
Benefits of Mindfulness:
Reduces chronic pain
Improves sleep
Boosts immune system
Helps treat heart disease
Improves focus and memory
Lowers blood pressure
Improves cognitive flexibility
Helps control fear
Elevates mood
Helps digestion
Improves relationships