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Psychopaths: The Evil Spectrum

Author: Thays Cristina da Nóbrega Cunha

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1521582971
ISBN 13: 978-1521582978

Originally based on the paper "The Neuroscience of Psychopathy" I submitted to obtain the degree of “Neuroscience & Applied Psychology Specialist”, this book is actually a compilation of various fields of knowledge on human behavior. My interest on Psychopaths started thirteen years ago. If you have ever crossed paths with one, you understand where this determination comes from. I should warn you beforehand, however, that they are not easy to be identified. Even experts have difficulty diagnosing them, with many falling for heir innate talent for acting or wearing masks. But this should not discourage you from trying to single them out. Just think of all the headache you could spare yourself. Remember, he has no consciousness and he will harm you without a second thought. It does not bother him the least if he is caught after he has managed to use you to achieve his goals. He may actually end up blaming you for being stupid. So, the best weapon to protect yourself is information. Learning about his methods and personal characteristics will certainly prove to be a good investment of your time. So, what should you look for? Well, start with a predator with low levels of anxiety and emotional detachment. Then look for a risk-taker who feels good at his rather thick skin. Very few things touch him. Deep down he actually feels superior and secretly despises others. Psychopathic traits do carry with them a competitive advantage, so it is not uncommon to find them amongst successful entrepreneurs, executives, and politicians. Now just imagine that you have no self-perception. How would you know there is something wrong with you? And why would you want to change? Unfortunately for them, relationships based on exploitation and lack of reciprocity do not end well. So, another good way to spot them is to look into toxic environments and dysfunctional teams. In this book you will learn how to draw a parallel from several different fields in order to find a theory that defines Psychopaths in a more comprehensive way. According to Psychoanalysis, psychopathy is characterized by a combination of ‘narcissistic traits with symptoms of anal-sadistic regression’. Psychiatry diagnoses it indirectly only trough the pathological traits of Antisocial Personality Disorder. Neuroscience, which classifies psychopathy in Primary and Secondary, believes it is the result of a combination of Personality Disorders. As to Psychology, it comes in the form of a Dark Triad, made of Machiavellism, Malignant Narcissism and Psychopathy. Such a wide variety of definitions and classifications could be another reason why it is so difficult to diagnose it. However, as you will see, they can all be reduced to a common denominator: Cluster B disorders. In this book you will also learn that at the base of these disorders is a dysfunction in the empathy circuit, lesion similar to the one found in the brain of Romanian orphans who never had the chance to forge relationships with adults. When researchers observed the brains of these children they found a “black hole” at the place where the or-bitofrontal cortex – part of the brain that manages emotions, experiences pleasure and appreciates beauty – should have been. And you will see that these results are consistent with the observations made by psychoanalyst Sue Gerhardt, according to whom given the ‘right’ genes, babies who suffer abuse in the first 1,000 days of their lives will probably present traits of one of the four Cluster B disorders. According to her, who we become is neither defined at birth, nor along the years. Rather, it is written in our brains during the first two years of life in direct response to the type of love and care we receive. The link between psychopathy and specific areas of the brain, and the fact that its etiology is strongly related to a well-defined period and causes, are just a few of the many peculiarities on psychopathy that await for you in this easy to read manual.