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RED FLAGS MATTER: I was His Crooked Hillary, Weak Obama and Fake News

Author: Marie Shukaitis ACSW

Publisher: Independently published
ISBN 10: 1981082875
ISBN 13: 978-1981082872

Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing LLC
ISBN 10: 1643614061
ISBN 13: 978-1643614069

Over 14 K psychologists and psychiatrists have privately opined that Trump suffers from Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder the most serious level of an illness that the American Psychiatric Association describes as divisive, destructive, dangerous and incurable. I had been married to a man with a less serious level of NPD and recognized the behaviors. This book provides concrete examples of those behaviors in the hopes that it will alert others to those symptoms (the red flags) before the destruction impacts them sooner than they did me (PTSD).